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Emphasis on seeking immediate medical help in cases of heart attack or stroke - 22.05.2020

Malta MRC

The Malta Resuscitation Council, together with the Association of Emergency Physicians of Malta, The Maltese Cardiac Society and Primary Health Care, is urging the public to seek immediate medical help if they themselves feel or they suspect anyone nearby might be feeling symptoms suggestive of a heart attack or stroke.

These are two potentially fatal medical conditions where every minute counts. The benefit the patient gets from immediate management of an evolving heart attack or stroke far outweighs the perceived fear of a risk of contracting COVID-19 from a healthcare facility.

Health Centres, the Emergency Department and the Critical Coronary Care Unit have all been streamlined to cater for both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients equally and safely.

A sudden onset of chest pain or heaviness in the chest is good reason to seek immediate medical attention and get evaluated for a heart attack.

A sudden weakness in any one of the limbs, any sudden facial asymmetry or any sudden slurring or difficulty in speech are enough to seek immediate medical attention and get evaluated for a stroke.

In case of emergency please call 112. If in doubt, you can contact the Primary Health Care on 21 231 231 and ask to speak to a medical professional.


© 2025 Malta Resuscitation Council

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